Okay, Okay, I know. What on earth would Simone Weil, the brilliant philosopher and mystic who worked tirelessly on behalf of the poor and the disenfranchised, have thought of a t-shirt in her honor? Nevertheless, I’m going to go for it. You should, too.
Here’s why: the funds go to her new movie, An Encounter with Simone Weil. Anything that promotes the work and writing of the woman Albert Camus described as “the only great spirit of our time” is a worthwhile endeavor, but this one especially so. Here’s what filmmaker Michael Moore said of the film:
“Julia Haslett has made a profound and moving film on a woman who continues to speak to all of us. Few Americans know of Simone Weil, but this deeply affecting documentary will make you want to know more. An Encounter with Simone Weil challenges all of us not to look the other way when we see the suffering of others. Julia’s personal journey through the film is both heartbreaking and inspiring.”
New York Magazine made it a “critic’s pick” with these words:
Haslett’s intensely personal and touching film about the twentieth-century French philosopher and activist uses Weil’s writings, spiritual journey, and short, sad life as a way to explore her own personal emotional landscape—from her relationship with postmodern capitalism to her relationship with her troubled family.
The event on Kickstarter is here, with 10 short hours to go. A $75 pledge gets you a signed copy of Sylvie Weil‘s new book, At Home with André and Simone Weil.
Postscript: So here’s the final tally: 247 backers signed in, pledging $20,077 on a $15,000 goal. Good news!
Tags: Albert Camus, Julia Haslett, Michael Moore, Simone Weil, Sylvie Weil
May 1st, 2012 at 11:08 pm
Exactly. There are more lies , less truth. Is this shirts limited?
Where can I buy those? I love this shirt- I love the saying- and I love her too!
Very intelligent.
Thanks a lot.
Jean from lecteur DVD portable
May 2nd, 2012 at 9:14 am
Go to the links in the post above. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more t-shirts.
January 13th, 2013 at 11:06 am
Where can I purchase thr Simone Weil red t shirt as shown above??