A few days ago we posted one of Artur Sebastian Rosman‘s photos of Kraków, taken last week. Artur, who runs the Cosmos the in Lost blog, was in Poland’s cultural capital for the same reason I was: an international conference on Zbigniew Herbert, hosted by the Józef Tischner Institute.
We kindly asked him for permission to publish a few more of his black-and-white studies of the city, and he kindly gave it. Here goes:

Rynek Główny, viewed from a sidestreet.

An old man walks along the Planty, Kraków’s city park.

And the rooftops are decorative, too!

Prof. Grzegorz Bak Trzebunia Niebies of Madrid speaks, with Tischner’s photo behind him.
Tags: Artur Sebastian Rosman, Józef Tischner, Zbignew Herbert