We’re not the first! Join us for a discussion of a 14th-century plague: Boccaccio’s “Decameron”! Stanford Zoom on Sunday, March 29.

While we wait for the all-clear on coronavirus so we can resume our lives, maybe you’d like some historical perspective. Robert Harrison for a Zoom discussion of Giovanni Boccaccio’s Decameron this Sunday, March 29.

Links to join us are included in the notice below, from today’s Stanford Report:

Online discussionJoin a Zoom discussion of The Decameron, the 14th-century masterpiece that begins with 10 young people fleeing to the countryside as the plague of 1348 ravages the city of Florence, Italy. Robert Harrison, professor of French and Italian, will discuss what the book says to us today. The Zoom session will take place from 10:30 a.m. to noon (PST) on Sunday, March 29. Members of the Stanford community are invited to join via this LINK. Discussion will focus on the preface, introduction and first tale in the book, which was written by Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375). Participants are encouraged to read these in advance. The Project Gutenberg e-book of The Decameron is available at no cost here.

The announcement specifies members of the Stanford community, but Robert Harrison asked me to spread the word. Consider yourself invited. I’ll be there, too – cybernetically, of course. There is no “there” in cyberspace.

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10 Responses to “We’re not the first! Join us for a discussion of a 14th-century plague: Boccaccio’s “Decameron”! Stanford Zoom on Sunday, March 29.”

  1. Brenda Sanfilippo Says:

    Please let me join too!

  2. Cynthia Haven Says:

    Brenda, it’s in the announcement on the post. I’ve boldfaced the word “link” so you can see it better. Click there and it will show you what to do.

  3. William Braman Says:

    Are the times posted for Pacific Daylight Time?

  4. Cynthia Haven Says:

    Pacific Standard Time. I’ll add that to the post.

  5. Hilton Obenzinger Says:

    I will try to be there. I downloaded the Zoom program. Is there a code or password to enter the talk? Thanks. Hilton

  6. Cynthia Haven Says:

    None that I know of. I logged on without one and it seemed to work.

  7. Elena Danielson Says:

    The discussion was delightful, unfolded slowly but masterfully…so grateful it was open to the general public. Elena

  8. Robin Glynn Says:

    Thank you very much for opening the discussion to the general public. The conversation was wonderful. Looking forward to the next open program.

  9. Markku Nivalainen Says:

    Oh dear, failed to make this one. Seems fascinating. Was it recorded?

  10. Cynthia Haven Says:

    Right now it looks like it wasn’t. But join us on Sunday, April 5, for Round #2!