The seventh annual spring book salon, “A Company of Authors,” happens tomorrow (Saturday, April 24th) beginning at 1 p.m. and c
ontinuing through the afternoon at the Humanities Center at 424 Santa Teresa Street.
The broad-minded book salon covers all genres from fiction to biography and international politics to religion — rather like the Book Haven itself. Unlike the Book Haven, however, the event gives the community a chance to meet the authors — lots of them.
This year’s authors will include, among others: Scotty McLennan on Jesus; Steven Zipperstein on Isaac Rosenfeld; John Felstiner, Robert Conquest, Terry Castle, and Patrick Hunt on poetry; Bert Patenaude on Trotsky; Kathryn Ma on prizewinning short stories; Tom Killion on Mount Tamalpais in art and poetry; Gail Lapidus and Alexander Dallin on Russia; Mark Lewis on China; Stan Yogi on civil rights; George Brown on the Venerable Bede; Denise Gigante on Romanticism; Herant Katchadourian on guilt; Jean-Marie Apostolidès on Tintin; Jack Rakove on America; James Fishkin on democracy; and Sean Hanretta on Africa and Islam.
A Company of Authors is hosted by Peter Stansky and co-sponsored by the Palo Alto Weekly, the Stanford Humanities Center, and the Stanford Bookstore. Full schedule is available here.
In addition to refreshments, expect a 10 percent discount on featured books — with author signatures.