I met Abe Gellaw two years ago during a reception for the Knight Journalism Fellows in the courtyard outside the Welton Gallery. The exiled Ethiopian journalist, a founding editor of Addis Voice, told me about what it’s like to be a journalist in a developing country where censorship and persecution are commonplace.
Writing among my pets and my books with my Apple on my lap, it is easy to take for granted that I can tap out “This government sucks big time!” and press “publish” — and yet not have my computer hacked or my fingers broken, or a thug on my doorstep the next morning. I had meant to interview Abebe for the Book Haven, but the recent Ethiopian elections made it timely for a wider sendout — so here’s the website version of the interview.
Within hours after the interview went “live,” I received this letter:
Dear Cynthia,
Mr. Abebe Gellaw is an Opposition politician pretending to be a journalist. As most of the extremist Ethiopian politicians in the Diaspora, Mr Gellaw habitually engages in a smear campaign by completely fabricating facts or extremely exaggerating problems in Ethiopia. This has been the modus operandi of the Ethiopian extremist opposition for years, both in Ethiopia and abroad. The Ethiopian people have heard all their smear campaigns in the Western media as well as from the pathalogical LIARS in the Opposion in Ethiopia. As a result, the Ethiopian people have said ENOUGH is ENOUGH with ALL the lies and smear campaign and voted for the ruling party overwhelmingly. The outcome of this election for sure is partly due to the great achievements of the ruling party in the past 5 years, but it is also clearly a response to all the LIES and negative propaganda of the opposition. Trust me Cynthia, there is no way a party that is allegedly as repressive and cruel as these extremists claim can gain the support of the 99% of the voters. NO WAY!! The Ethiopian people are not IDIOTS! Cynthia, these guys make Michael Bachman look like a Saint. I wish you could understand Amharic so you could have listened their campaigns and debate performances. The result of this election is clearly a total rejection of HATE and SMEAR politics of the extremist opposition and an embrace of the positive politics of peace, economic and democratic development of the ruling party. Americans, Westerners in general, need to understand how much the extremist Opposition engages in hate and LIES in Ethiopian politics. I can safely say about 80% of their allegations are PURE lies. If you do understand the true nature of the vocal Ethiopian Oppositon as Ethiopians do, you can understand the decision of the Ethiopian people.
Sam (from America)
Generally, the world of cultural and literary journalism insulates me from notes like these. I googled Sam’s email address, and apparently I’m not his only penpal for these kinds of missives. I wonder why he remains anonymous. I’m not. Abebe’s not. And who is Michael Bachman?
Abebe’s only comment: “The ruling party agents always use this kind of tactics whenever the regime is criticised. I receive many emails, some threatening. And I have one tactic to deal with them…Ignore! That is the best and effective way not to dignify the voice of tyranny.”
Hey, Sam, lighten up! Your side “won”!
UPDATE: Second letter in the comment section was forwarded to me twice. An excerpt:
“Scholars” like Abebe Gellaw and his ilk’s have no place in Ethiopia. These sluggards left Ethiopia not because they were persecuted but because they were unable to earn a living with their sweat. Cynthia you people in America can afford to sustain people like Michael Moore even makes him a multi-millionaire but no one have money in Ethiopia for such kind of jokes. You people can afford to spend money on Stupid White Men, Bowling for Columbine, Sicko and George Bush is bad Obama is good fairy tales. What Abebe Gellaw and his ilks are fishing for is funding from foreign sources so that they could make Michael Moore look like a Mahatma Gandhi.
(Warning: The BBC url’s he attaches don’t say entirely what he thinks they say…)
June 2nd, 2010 at 3:02 pm
The rhetoric of the letter alone is a giveaway that something’s off. I think “Sam” refers to Michel Bachman, the loony member of congress from Wisconsin. She has been known to say wild, outrageous things. Just a quess.
June 2nd, 2010 at 3:38 pm
It continues:
Date: June 2, 2010 3:37:43 PM PDT
Subject: Please forward this e-mail to Mrs. CYNTHIA HAVEN
Exiled Ethiopian journalist decries ‘outrageously ludicrous’ elections (Stanford Report, June 1, 2010)
Are you people at Stanford out of your mind? This seems to be a sign of the end of western reasoning. If this is the mindset of a Stanford visiting scholar then I’d rather be Michael Moore. Mrs. CYNTHIA HAVEN is being taken for a ride by the sweet talk of democracy, human rights and all those nice sounding phrases uttered by a con artist. The guy is telling her an outright lies and nothing else. There is no evidence whatsoever in what this guy or HRW or US Department of State – Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) are proclaiming.
– “Scholars” like Abebe Gellaw and his ilk’s have no place in Ethiopia. These sluggards left Ethiopia not because they were persecuted but because they were unable to earn a living with their sweat. Cynthia you people in America can afford to sustain people like Michael Moore even makes him a multi-millionaire but no one have money in Ethiopia for such kind of jokes. You people can afford to spend money on Stupid White Men, Bowling for Columbine, Sicko and George Bush is bad Obama is good fairy tales. What Abebe Gellaw and his ilks are fishing for is funding from foreign sources so that they could make Michael Moore look like a Mahatma Gandhi.
The Ethiopian people and the Ethiopian government are not interested in this sort of foreign source funding. They are not interested in Keith Olbermann’s type of blabber out of the Ether funded by foreign sources.
They are also not interested in Rahm Emanuel’s method of congressman coaching.
Mrs. Haven why don’t you ask Abebe Gellaw if he has read Jean Calvin’s magnum opus, Institution Christiane Religionis? Ask him if he has read Augustine of Hippo’s De civitate dei (Of the City of God) or Dante Alighieri’s La Divina Commedia? These masterpieces would have cooled of his hothead (Meles has read all of them).
Here is what the Ethiopian people want:
“Ethiopia – 5th Fastest Growing Economy in the World in 2010 – Economist”
“hard work is also useful ahead of an election – it wins votes.”
BBC (Tuesday, 1 June 2010)
“The scale of the housing estates being built on the edge of Addis Ababa is nothing short of staggering.”
BBC (Tuesday, 1 June 2010)
The development is by no means restricted to the capital: access to healthcare has improved in the rural areas and in Lalibela, 700km (about 435 miles) away from Addis Ababa, new classrooms are springing up and roads built.
BBC (Tuesday, 1 June 2010)