I’m preparing for an interview with nonagenarian historian and poet Robert Conquest on Monday. To that end, I purchased a battered $2.44 copy of his classic work, The Great Terror, from amazon. I expected it to be a dry exhalation of facts and statistics.
Not a chance. It’s rather a 500-page thriller. Naturally, given my post of a few days ago about San Francisco’s Mark Zborowski, a medical anthropologist at Mt. Zion Hospital, I checked for Zborowski’s name in the index.
Conquest didn’t fail me. Far from “colorless,” Zborowski sounds positively Shakespearean. Here’s Conquest on the murder of Trotsky’s son, Lev Sedov:
The next NKVD agent to penetrate Trotsky’s political family was the extraordinary Mark Zborowski, of whom it has been said that he everywhere “left behind a trail of duplicity and blood worthy of a Shakespearean villain,” and who, after establishing himself in the United States as a respectable anthropologist at Columbia and Harvard, was finally exposed and convicted on charges of perjury in December 1958, getting a five- to seven-year term.
Zborowski had managed to become Sedov’s right-hand man, and had access to all the secrets of the Trotskyites. He was responsible for the robbery of the Trotsky archives in Paris in November 1936. Although he never committed any murders himself, remaining a finger man, he seems to have played some role in the killing of Ignace Reiss. He also nearly procured the death of Walter Krivitsky in Spain. The young German Rudolf Clement, secretary of Trotsky’s Fourth International, seems also to have been conveyed into his murderer’s hand by Zborowski, in 1938. A headless body found floating in the Seine in Paris was tentatively identified as Clement’s; in any case, he has not been seen since. On 14 February 1938 Trotsky’s son Lev Sedov died in suspicious circumstances in a Paris hospital. Since Zborowski was the man who rushed him there, there is a very strong presumption that he informed the NKVD killer organization of the opportunity which now presented itself.
Just the man you want working in a hospital. One pressing question remains: Qu’est-ce que c’est un finger man? That’s what google is for.
From dictionary.com: FINGER MAN: – noun Slang. a person who points out someone to be murdered, robbed, etc. Origin: 1925–30, Americanism
How did a Oxford-educated Englishman run across 1920s American gangsta lingo?