What next, Library of America?


Thoughtful critics suggested Shirley Jackson‘s oeuvre was a little slender for a Library of America volume.  After all, she’s mostly famous for a single short story.

Some think the Library of America is running out of ideas.  I mean, really.  American Food Writing: An Anthology with Classic Recipes? Poems from the Women’s Movement?

Over at When Falls the Coliseum, Ricky Sprague wanted to offer a few ideas of his own. Think  Snooki, if you can. Think  William Shatner.

He also suggests a special volume for Rotten Tomatoes, including such RT selections as “Give up your career as a ‘critic’ or die!”

Check it out here.

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2 Responses to “What next, Library of America?”

  1. Trish Says:

    It’s a little late to leave this comment, but on the remote chance someone might read: I disagree vehemently that Shirley Jackson’s fame rests on one slender story. She’s also justly famous for The Haunting of Hill House and We Have Always Lived in the Castle. And really, indirectly comparing her to William Shatner and Snooki is just such a snobbish, pretentious little jibe. Unworthy of you.

  2. Cynthia Haven Says:

    These weren’t my own remarks, Trish. I was citing remarks across the ‘Net, which, as you know, thrives on snark. But I’ve come to agree with you about Jackson, and have posted on her more recently. Her oeuvre should be better known. (And I think the Shatner/Snooki jibe, which isn’t mine, refers to the recent Library of America offerings, not to Jackson.)