The good news: Liu Xiaobo’s writing will be published in English. The bad news: not till 2012.


Liu Xiaobo and wife Liu Xia: "I will embrace you with ashes"

Some time ago, I wrote that it was unfortunate that we had no access to the writings of this year’s imprisoned Nobel peace prize winner, Liu Xiaobo.  All writers, after all, would rather be known for their writings rather than their persecution.

Now it’s official that the prestigious Graywolf Press will be publishing a bilingual edition of the Chinese writer’s June Fourth Elegies.  The book will be out in 2012.  The title of his book, which of course has not come out in China, refers to the June 4, 1989, suppression of pro-democracy demonstrations at Tiananmen Square.

From Galleycat, we also learn that poet Jeffrey Yang will translate the collection. Literary agent Peter Bernstein negotiated the deal with Jeffrey Shotts and publisher Fiona McCrae.

That’s not all.  Harvard University Press (also prestigious) will publish a selection of works by the Chinese dissident, also next year.  The untitled anthology will contain poetry, essays, and social commentary.

The academic press has enlisted UC-Riverside’s  Perry Link to direct a translation team. Said Link: “Until he won the Nobel Peace Prize, Liu Xiaobo was little known in the West. This collection offers to the reader of English the full range of his astute and penetrating analyses of culture, politics, and society in China today.”

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2 Responses to “The good news: Liu Xiaobo’s writing will be published in English. The bad news: not till 2012.”

  1. From Molecules to Networks: An Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience {Repost} | Says:

    […] The Book Haven » Blog Archive » The good news: Liu Xiaobo's … […]

  2. Claudine Corbita Says:

    It is a good news that it will also be translated into English because there are many who are interested in his book not only Chinese but 2012 is a long run when everybody is expecting it to be published soon.
