Archive for June 1st, 2013

What to do with all those books?

Saturday, June 1st, 2013

Not for San Franciscans…

A busy weekend, looking for drafts and manuscripts that are strewn around my house. I know they’re here somewhere, scattered among the piles of papers and … books.

Over at Buzzfeed, you can check out 35 ways to store all those books piled about  your home.  Usually, I don’t go too much for these kinds of photo essays – but in this case, there are some practical suggestions among the silly ones.

As fireplaces get outlawed in more and more places (woodsmoke, pollution, etc.) … well, why not?  See example below.

Or how about trompe l’oeil doorways?

Shelving “as high as you can go” makes no sense for the acrophobic and the accident-prone, but converting closet space into book nooks or book cupboards makes sense … if only my closets weren’t already stuffed…

Among the sillier suggestions are Tower of Babel stacks of books, which invite disaster in earthquake country.  Moreover, books would be almost impossible to find and retrieve this way … and isn’t that where this post started?

Have a look at the other 29 suggestions over here – and thanks for the heads-up, Joyce Mitchell.


The closet-turned-booknook…


Books as a hidden doorway…


Go creative…


Or give “an evening by the fireplace” new meaning…
