Botero’s visit in NYC: and here’s how he got away!

Fernando Botero's Rolls, NYC 10/16/2014

Book Haven’s photographer caught his chauffeur-driven car. (Photo: Zygmunt Malinowski)

Yesterday, we wrote about Colombian artist Fernando Botero‘s book launch in New York City – here. However, our roving reporter-photographer Zygmunt Malinowski forgot to send a photo of this part of the event: the getaway car. “His chauffeured car, which looked like an antique Rolls Royce, was parked in front  of the Americas Society,” he wrote. Then he added, “Well isn’t that Rolls really nice?” We think so, and are ready for a spin whenever Mr. Botero is. (Who says there’s no money in art?)


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2 Responses to “Botero’s visit in NYC: and here’s how he got away!”

  1. Penelope Sharma Says:

    The car is one of a kind, looks like a classic rolls royce from the 80s – izmostudio

  2. Push Says:

    It sure is one bit of a classic style.