Stay tuned… more from Philadelphia, coming up soon!


The Book Haven has been unusually silent these last few days. We’ve been at the West Chester Poetry Conference outside Philadelphia, attending workshops, panels, and readings with Dick Davis, Dana Gioia, Sir Andrew Motion, Sam Gwynn, and many, many others.

Humble Moi will be on a panel tomorrow morning to discuss Robert Conquest, the late great historian and poet, who died last year at Stanford.

Just to let you know we mean business, the photo below is taken from Thursday morning’s public conversation with Andrew Motion, former British poet laureate and biographer of Philip Larkin. Dana Gioia was his interlocutor (and no, he’s not as unhappy as he looks). Photograph taken by Gerry Cambridge.

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Dana Gioia ponders a remark from Sir Andrew Motion. (Photo: Gerry Cambridge)


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5 Responses to “Stay tuned… more from Philadelphia, coming up soon!”

  1. Emilio Says:

    I went here to read your blog post on Irena Sendler (haven’t managed to find it, yet). But I discover that every single post you made is very interesting. Is there a way, for a European reader who is by no means associated with Stanford, to “follow” your Bookhaven blog (i.e. to get informed of your new posts)? Thank you in advance for your answer.

  2. Cynthia Haven Says:

    There’s a “subscribe” link on the upper right-hand corner of the Book Haven homepage. And welcome!

  3. Emilio Says:

    Duh, what was I thinking! O° Done! Sorry for asking. (And thank you so much for responding!)

  4. Cynthia Haven Says:

    No problem! I’ve done dumber stuff than that… believe me!

  5. Jeff S. Says:

    I’m somewhat allergic to gatherings and groups, but this post makes me think I need to gird myself some year and check out the West Chester conference. Cynthia Haven, Dana Gioia–it’s clearly an event that attracts people whose work I like and admire…