This poem is making an appearance on Twitter, thanks to Tom D’Evelyn. I hadn’t seen it, nor the new Adam Zagajewski collection Asymmetry, translated by Clare Cavanagh. Another postponed pleasure. The poem recalls philosopher Krzysztof Michalski, founder of Vienna’s Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, where I was a fellow and met him in 2008, and where he died five years ago of cancer.
Tom writes, Twitter fashion: “Adam Zagajewski Asymmetry Trans Clare Cavanagh. @fsgbooks ‘Krzys Michalski Died’— yes he did. Google (I did). The poem does not lie: he was like that. Slightly immortal; I ordered his book on Nietzsche. The poem makes me envious @chaven in a good way. Thanks AZ!”
December 22nd, 2018 at 9:25 pm
Yes, I’m envious in a good way too. Thank you for posting this!
December 23rd, 2018 at 2:18 pm
You’re welcome, Diana! Always good to hear from you!