‘Tis the season to be generous: Milton’s only surviving residence needs your help!


Nestled within one of the toniest little villages in England…

John Milton was a visionary poet and political writer – one of the most radical and influential thinkers Britain has ever seen.

Milton’s Cottage in Buckinghamshire’s bucolic Chalfont St. Giles is his only surviving residence. It’s the place where he completed his epic masterpiece, Paradise Lost, and was inspired to write its sequel, Paradise Regain’d. These late, great works changed the course of literary history and ensured Milton’s enduring reputation as one of the world’s greatest writers. (We’ve written about it here and here and here!) 

The room where he wrote.

Paradise Maintain’d is an endowment fund to protect and preserve Milton’s Cottage in perpetuity. It’s roots go way back: in 1887 a public appeal was launched to save Milton’s Cottage for the world. The first donor was Queen Victoria, who gave the grand total of £20.

It has been open to the public ever since, making it one of the oldest writers’ house museums in the world. It receives no government funding, however, and continues to depend on the generosity of Milton aficionados, literature lovers, and freedom-lovers everywhere to ensure the survival of this unique literary landmark.

Join Queen Victoria and become part of the story and see Paradise Maintain’d for future generations. She’d approve.


Here’s the kicker: Thanks to a generous benefactor, any time up midnight on 14th December 2018 your donation will be quadrupled! For a tax-deductible contribution (via credit card or Paypal), Americans should go HERE to donate. Scroll down to note that your intended target for funding is “Paradise Maintain’d: Milton’s Cottage”!

2 Responses to “‘Tis the season to be generous: Milton’s only surviving residence needs your help!”

  1. Nancy Charlton Says:

    Delighted to contribute. How do I go about it?

  2. Cynthia Haven Says:

    Click on the link at the end of the post. Make sure you scroll down and earmark it for the Milton Cottage.