Happy 110th birthday, Simone Weil! What she said.


Happy birthday to French thinker Simone Weil (1909- 1943), who was born in Paris 110 years ago today. We wouldn’t offer her anything as gauche as a birthday cake. 

We’ve written about here, here, and here and here. Do you want to know what she meant when she said, “Distance is the soul of beauty?” We have you covered, here.

Thought for this birthday:

“Evil, when we are in its power, is not felt as evil, but as a necessity, even a duty.” 

Her gnosticism was evident when she said, “Creation: good broken up into pieces and scattered throughout evil.” But she also said: “Evil is limitless, but it is not infinite.  Only the infinite limits the limitless.”

Happy birthday, Mademoiselle Weil! You are missed!

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