Join us for a (virtual) “Company of Authors” event this Saturday! Catch up on a year of Stanford books.


A Company of Authors will be a virtual event this year, but please join us on Zoom to catch up with the latest Stanford books. I’ll be there, with this year’s Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy (Bloomsbury). I’ll be joined by some amazing people – Norm Naimark on Stalin and the Fate of Europe, medievalist Elaine Treharne on Text Technologies, and many more.

The seventeenth annual A Company of Authors, sponsored by Stanford’s Continuing Studies, will run from 1-5 p.m. this Saturday, October 24 (poster below). As always, the event is hosted by Stanford’s Peter Stansky, Frances and Charles Field Professor of History, Emeritus, who promises “an exciting display of the richness, depth and variety of the books written by members of the Stanford community.” He’ll also be winding up the afternoon by presenting his own book, Leonard Woolf: Bloomsbury Socialist, with co-author Fred Leventhal.

At least one of your friends will be in the line-up of authors – me, and I’ll be featured on the first panel at 1 p.m. Go to the site here to find the list of books and presenters (or check out the poster below, if you can read the fine print); and click register for the event. It’s free, and all listed titles are available for sale at a 10% discount from the Stanford Bookstore online.


One Response to “Join us for a (virtual) “Company of Authors” event this Saturday! Catch up on a year of Stanford books.”

  1. George Says:

    The messy desk in view didn’t quite live up to expectations. However, the discussion of mimetic desire suddenly brought to mind Borges’s story “The Dead Man” (read in A Personal Anthology). Had I noticed Bertrand Patenaude’s slot, I might have stayed to hear him–I know little of the Hoover Institution, but thought his The Big Show in Bololand most interesting.