April is here! That means the 21st annual “A Company of Authors,” hosted by Peter Stansky, Frances and Charles Field Professor of History, Emeritus, is making its annual appearance with the daffodils and California poppies.
Drop by to hear the latest Stanford offerings on Saturday afternoon, April 20th, at Levinthal Hall in the Stanford Humanities Center at 424 Santa Teresa (for those of you who attend Another Look events, you know the venue). Or attend virtually by zoom.
Below, the bill of fare for the afternoon – stop by for a session or two, or stay the whole afternoon. And come say hello to me! I’ll be presenting my Penguin Classic All Desire is a Desire for Being during the 1 p.m. first session. I’ll be chairing the panel on Poetry and Fiction at 3 p.m.
The “A Company of Authors” event is free and open to the public – open the link to the event page (where registration can be found) is here, https://continuingstudies.stanford.edu/company-of-authors-spring-2024 .
If you would prefer to attend virtually, click the Zoom registration here: https://stanfordcontinuingstudies.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vOQp8buAR8iOBxU1_kqCjg#/registration