“I was as surprised as I was pleased,” said Arnold Rampersad, who received the National Humanities Medal yesterday. He didn’t stay in Washington long — he headed back to his native Trinidad, where he’ll be till mid-month. I had emailed him on another matter, and my message crossed with the happy announcement he had received one of the highest awards a scholar in America can get.
Rampersad was cited for his work as a biographer and literary critic. His award-winning books have profiled W.E.B. Du Bois, Langston Hughes, Jackie Robinson, and Ralph Ellison. He has also edited critical editions of the works of Richard Wright and Langston Hughes.
“Growing up as a schoolboy in Trinidad, I received an education in literature that some people might dismiss as ‘colonial,’” he recalls. “It nevertheless served me well in dealing with the complexities of American biography.”
According to the NEH’s online profile:
Ralph Ellison [2007] was published in an era when, according to Rampersad, “the life of the African-American writer has changed dramatically. In part through holding positions at programs in creative writing and departments of English at universities, the black writer has gained a solid presence on the literary scene that has replaced the fugitive nature of expression and publication forced on blacks over the centuries, especially in the slave narratives but continuing into the twentieth century. That presence does not guarantee fine writing but it has led, in my opinion, to an assurance that bodes well for the future. Black literature was described a long time ago as a ‘literature of necessity’ rather than one of leisure. That element of necessity still exists but it does not dominate as it once did. Black American literature as a cultural phenomenon has reached a level of stability and maturity that the circumstances of American life once routinely denied it.”
He joins authors Wendell E. Berry, Joyce Carol Oates, and Philip Roth; historians Bernard Bailyn and Gordon S. Wood; literary scholars Daniel Aaron, Roberto González Echevarría, and Arnold Rampersad; cultural historian Jacques Barzun; and legal historian and higher education policy expert Stanley Nider Katz.
The National Medal of Arts was awarded the same day, to former U.S. Poet Laureate Donald Hall [yayyyyyy! — ED.] actress Meryl Streep, musicians Sonny Rollins, Quincy Jones, James Taylor and Van Cliburn, painter Mark di Suvero, theater champion Robert Brustein and an organization, Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival.
“One of the people that we honor today, Joyce Carol Oates, has said, ‘Ours is the nation, so rare in human history, of self-determination; a theoretical experiment in newness, exploration, discovery.’ That’s what we do,” President Obama said before presenting the medals.
He also said that works of art, literature and history speak to the human condition and “affirm our desire for something more and something better.”
“Time and again, the tools of change, and of progress, of revolution, of ferment — they’re not just pickaxes and hammers and screens and software, but they’ve also been brushes and pens and cameras and guitars.”
The whole shebang below:
Tags: Arnold Rampersad, Bernard Bailyn, Daniel Aaron, Donald Hall, Gordon Wood, Jackie Robinson, Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival, Jacques Barzun, James Taylor, Joyce Carol Oates, Langston Hughes, Mark di Suvero, Meryl Streep, Philip Roth, President Obama, Quincy Jones, Ralph Ellison, Richard Wright, Robert Brustein, Roberto González Echevarría, Sonny Rollins, Stanley Nider Katz, Van Cliburn, W.E.B. Du Bois, Wendell E. Berry
March 4th, 2011 at 9:42 am
Very good news about the White House honoring Rampersad. I depend on your blog for the story on important news such as this. I just wish your blog were in magazine form.
March 4th, 2011 at 11:48 am
Magazines … do they still print them?