Join Stanford writers for “A Company of Authors” on Saturday, April 23 – a great way to celebrate Shakespeare’s birthday!
Tuesday, April 19th, 2022
Prof. Peter Stansky‘s annual “A Company of Authors” will take place from 1 to 5:05 p.m., this Saturday, April 23. The virtual event, sponsored by Continuing Studies and the Stanford Humanities Center, features Stanford authors discussing their newest books. (Some of us pictured above.) It’s free and open to all. You can read full schedule below. Bring a cup of coffee and enjoy! It’s a wonderful way to celebrate Shakespeare’s birthday.
One among many reasons to attend: I’ll be presenting my new book, Czeslaw Milosz: A California Life on the 2:40 p.m. panel. I’d be happy to see some Book Haven readers – even if virtually only.
Register here.
And please forward this announcement to your friends! I look forward to seeing you there!
EVENT SCHEDULE 1:00 pm — Welcome (Peter Stansky)1:05 – 1:35 pm — Culture Peter Stansky, Chair Gavin Jones, Reclaiming John Steinbeck: Writing for the Future of Humanity Richard Thompson Ford, Dress Codes: How the Laws of Fashion Made History Jeannette Ferrary, Eating Alone 1:40 – 2:10 pm — A Better Life Barbara Gelpi, ChairJudith Mundlak Taylor & Susan Groag Bell, Women and Gardens: Obstacles and Opportunities for Women Gardeners Throughout History William Damon, A Round of Golf with My Father: The New Psychology of Exploring Your Past to Make Peace with Your Present Tracie White & Ron Davis, The Puzzle Solver: A Scientist’s Desperate Quest to Cure the Illness That Stole His Son 2:15 – 2:35 pm — Changing the World Larry Horton, Chair Lenora Ferro & Susan Southworth, Sidney D. Drell: Into the Heart of Matter, Passionately David Alan Sklansky, A Pattern of Violence: How the Law Classifies Crimes and What It Means for Justice Rob Reich, Mehran Sahami & Jeremy M. Weinstein, System Error: Where Big Tech Went Wrong and How We Can Reboot 2:40 – 3:20 pm — The Arts and Humanities Roland Greene, ChairPeggy Phelan & Richard Meyer, Contact Warhol: Photography Without End Cynthia Haven, Czeslaw Milosz: A California Life Emily J. Levine, Allies and Rivals: German-American Exchange and the Rise of the Modern Research University 3:25 – 3:55 pm — History and Humans Carolyn Lougee, Chair Steven Press, Blood and Diamonds: Germany’s Imperial Ambitions in Africa Niall Ferguson, Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe Henry T. Greely, CRISPR People: The Science and Ethics of Editing Humans 4:00 – 4:30 pm — The Bay Area and Beyond Tania Granoff, Chair Mary Beth Meehan & Fred Turner, Seeing Silicon Valley: Life inside a Fraying America Gene Slater, Freedom to Discriminate: How Realtors Conspired to Segregate Housing and Divide America Destin Jenkins, The Bonds of Inequality: Debt and the Making of the American City 4:35 – 5:05 pm — Germany Paul Robinson, Chair Samuel Clowes Huneke, States of Liberation: Gay Men between Dictatorship and Democracy in Cold War Germany Adrian Daub, The Dynastic Imagination: Family and Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Germany Peter Mann, The Torqued Man: A Novel |