Posts Tagged ‘Oscar Villalon’

NBCC does more than hand out book awards: a report from the forefront of book culture at a San Francisco fête

Monday, July 9th, 2018

Jane Ciabattari introduces “Emerging Critics” Jennie Hann, in San Francisco from Baltimore and Bay Area’s Chelsea Leu.

Most people know the National Book Critics Circle from the prestigious annual awards for authors, handed out every year in New York City. For those of us who are members, it offers collegiality, professional resources, and of course opportunities to talk books, books, books.

Not that I would know. I have been the quietest member of the NBCC for the last several years, as I’ve labored away on Evolution of Desire: A Life of René Girard. But now that the book is out, I thought I’d poke my head out above the trenches.

Jane Ciabattari at Zyzzyva

So I joined friends earlier at a cocktail party on June 28 in the tony offices of Zyzzyva in the historic Mechanics’ Institute Building in downtown San Francisco. The occasion was simply a get-together, and a rare chance to chat with colleagues. It was my first time in the quarters of the San Francisco journal of arts and letters that, years ago, spirited away my San Francisco Chronicle book editor Oscar Villalon. (He had taken over the helm after David Kipen‘s departure.) He’s now Zyzzyva‘s managing editor and a former NBCC board member. I hadn’t seen him face-to-face since, except for one occasion at Litquake, a San Francisco literary institution, and another at Stanford’s Green Library for the Saroyan prizes.

Oscar was a energetic and reliable presence for books at the San Francisco Chronicle, and his legacy continues with John McMurtrie. I’ve never reviewed for John, but I hassle him regularly for publicity on Another Look book events at Stanford.

Another guiding presence at NBCC is smart, kindly, and resourceful Vice President Jane Ciabattari. Jane has been a friendly, constant, and reliable source of information and advice for free-lancers, this one included.

At the gathering Jane spoke about about the “Emerging Critics” program to foster and polish the next generation of those who devote themselves to the written word. That’s a lesser known aspect to the NBCC, apart from the celebrated prizes. See what else NBCC does on the calendar here.

I met so many people at the event I can’t remember them all (my mental attention is greatly diminished nowadays). But I returned to Palo Alto in the evening, thanks to a lift from Susanne Paria fascinating Iranian-American writer who dropped me off in front of my waiting car at Kepler’s, and then disappeared into the night.

Oscar Villalon discusses books with a colleague.

Saroyan prizes for a gastropod’s BFF and a Bay Area native

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

Art thrives in the everyday – and this year’s awards in the fifth William Saroyan International Prize for Writing prove it.  The numbing routine of today’s workplace and an author’s biographical “thank you” to a common snail captured the attention of the judges this year.

Daniel Orozco (Photo: Krysta Ficca)

The awards went to Elisabeth Tova Bailey‘s The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2010) for non-fiction and, in the fiction category, to Daniel Orozco‘s collection, Orientation and Other Stories (Faber and Faber, 2011). Each of the winners, selected from a field of 228 applicants, will receive $5,000.

The finalists for fiction were Ben Lerner‘s Leaving the Atocha Station and Miroslav Penkov‘s East of the West: A Country in Stories. The finalists for non-fiction were Arion Golmakani‘s Solacers and John Jeremiah Sullivan‘s Pulphead.

The major literary award, sponsored by Stanford University Libraries and the William Saroyan Foundation, encourages new or emerging writers in fiction and non-fiction.  The award honors the life and legacy of the American writer and playwright William Saroyan.

When Bailey was bedridden she received a snail as a gift.  Eventually, she wrote about the interspecies relationship that ensued. She told NPR that feeding it wilted flowers gave her “a feeling of being useful again,” and the sound of it munching on petals reassured her in the night. She said it “moved so smoothly and gently and gracefully, it was like a tai chi master.”

E.T. Bailey (Painting: Edith B. LaRoche)

She admits that at the worst phase of her debilitating illness, “my life matched its life more than that of my own species,” according to an interview on the website  SheWrites.

“That I could write an entire chapter on slime or another entire chapter on the way a snail hibernates – there was just so much to say,” she said.

Bailey said “the lives of the smaller and short-lived creatures are even more intense, more crammed with plot, than our longer human lives. … Like me, it woke up and went to bed. Like me it wanted something delicious for dinner,” she said in an interview on BookBrowse.  “Snails are also famous for spending many hours in courtship.”

The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating has won a number of awards already. It has been named one of NPR Morning Edition’s top books for 2010 and also one of the American Library Association’s Booklist‘s top 10 science and technology books. According to the eminent poet Maxine Kumin, “Readers will find her mental journey remarkable and her courage irresistible. I am very taken with this small book.”

Orozco is a name familiar to the Stanford campus:  He is a former Wallace Stegner fellow and Jones lecturer in the Stanford English Department’s Creative Writing Program.

But the Bay Area native’s life was not always one of academic gigs.  In a KQED interview last year, he recalled a job in a fiberglass fabrication shop in South San Francisco where “our boss was a jerk.”

William Saroyan (Courtesy Special Collections, Stanford University Libraries)

“On the job is where we all have to be, whether we like it or not,” he said. “My mother packed licorice in a factory for over 20 years, and came home tired but still human, and I am in awe of how she managed that.

“For most people, the workplace is an extremely structured and regulated environment … you have to be civil to a boss or a co-worker who drives you crazy; you have to show up at 8 and leave at 5 and take lunch from 12 to 1 (not 1 to 2, not 12:15 to 1:15); you have to spend all day with people that you didn’t choose to spend all day with, and you have to do it for about a quarter of every week for the rest of your life.”

According to a New York Times review: “The bridge painters, warehouse crews and paralegal assistants in Orozco’s stories have no clear way to control their destinies at work, and life piles on with a series of banal indignities on the clock and pointed crises off it.  They witness suicides, murders and mass layoffs. One temp fields calls from the desperately unemployed, then moves to a job helping to plan the demise of an entire department. Her agency eventually rewards her with the Orwellian promise of ‘permanent temporary employment.'”

Oscar Villalon wrote in Zyzzyva, “Nobody else is writing quite like Orozco.  These are bracing stories. Rich with wicked humor and loving toughness.”

After his debut book of short stories, he is now working on a novel.

This year’s judging panel for fiction included award-winning authors Elizabeth McKenzie and Minal Hajratwala, a former editor and reporter for the San Jose Mercury News, and archaeologist Patrick Hunt. The non-fiction panel included Keith Devlin, executive director at Stanford’s Center for the Study of Language and Information; Fritz Maytag, legendary brewer, distiller and winemaker; and Hank Saroyan, writer, performer and nephew of William Saroyan.

The Saroyan Prize was last awarded in 2010, when the fiction prize went to Rivka Galchen for her novel Atmospheric Disturbances and the non-fiction prize went to Linda Himelstein for The King of Vodka. Other notable winners include Jonathan Safran Foer in 2003 for his novel Everything is Illuminated.  George Hagen won in 2005 for his novel The Laments, and Kiyo Sato won in 2008 for her memoir Dandelion Through the Crack.

William Saroyan was the author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning play The Time of Your Life (1939-40), the novel The Human Comedy (1943) and many volumes of short stories, essays and memoirs. Born in Fresno in 1908 to Armenian parents, Saroyan was a high school dropout and largely self-educated. He is best known for his short stories about the experiences of immigrant families and children in California. He died in 1981.

Stanford University Libraries houses the William Saroyan Collection, which includes manuscripts, personal journals, correspondence, drawings and other material.