A humble curtsey in the pages of Poland’s leading literary journal …
Friday, May 16th, 2014Humble Moi makes a small appearance in the current issue of Warsaw-based Zeszyty Literackie, Poland’s preeminent literary journal, founded in 1982 by intellectual powerhouse Barbara Toruńczyk. My article is in the “Notatki” section – “Litewskie archiwum Josifa Brodskiego.” You may have read an earlier incarnation of the article in English here, which should give you a rough idea.
I’m in excellent company in this issue – it’s an honor to share pages with Julia Hartwig (we’ve written about her here and here and here), Natalia Gorbanevskaya (here) and Tomas Venclova (here and here and here), Adam Zagajewski (here and here and here) and Tomasz Różycki, a poet I met in New York City a few years ago, but haven’t had a chance to write about yet. In this issue, he’s translated Joseph Brodsky‘s “1 January 1965” into Polish. So I’m sharing the issue of my former mentor, as well. This poem, in particular, is a favorite – I have it taped up on a cupboard to memorize, but my thoughts have scattered like dandelion fluff this year. Also Jagiellonian scholar Alexander Fiut and Znak editor Jerzy Illg in this issue.
Not my first appearance in the Polish media (see here), but I’m absolutely delighted this time, in particular, to connect with a Polish audience.
Especial thanks to novelist, essayist, deputy editor (and friend) Marek Zagańczyk.