Archive for May 3rd, 2013

More on “A Company of Authors” – and come see us in NYC!

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

Plenty of books at “A Company of Authors” (Photo: Veronica Marian)

The Book Haven is in New York City, trying to make do with primitive internet connections and access.  Veronica Marian has come to our rescue with a short article on the recent Company of Authors event, at which Humble Moi was a panel chair for “The Power of Poetry.”

It’s not often that humanities scholars, psychiatrists and engineers come together to discuss their works with the public. But for the past decade that’s exactly what has happened every April at “A Company of Authors,” a book fair that celebrates recent publications by Stanford scholars.

Nearly two dozen Stanford-affiliated writers gathered recently for the half-day event. Themed discussions covered everything from the history of romance and evolving perceptions of marriage to how Enlightenment principles are evident in Wikipedia practices and what President Obama could learn from the Kennedy administration.

Read the rest here.  Meanwhile, if you’re in the Big Apple, come to the Austrian Cultural Forum/Polish Cultural Institute forum discussion of Democracy Is Controversy Plus Solidarity: In the Absence of Krzysztof Michalski.