A review of my Evolution of Desire: A Life of Rene Girard was just published in Kirkus Reviews. The first paragraph, as is customary with Kirkus, describes the book. Then comes this:
Haven was a close friend of Girard’s, and that privileged perch allows her to consider his life both personally and intellectually. Many aspects of his history would be hard to adequately comprehend without this dual perspective. For example, she offers an impressively incisive account of his conversion from atheism to Christianity in 1958 (“It was something no one could have anticipated, least of all himself. ‘Conversion is a form of intelligence, of understanding,’ he said; it’s also a process…and as such would absorb him for the rest of his days”). In addition, her rendering is as panoramic as his thought—she considers a vertiginous array of diverse subjects insightfully, including Girard’s trenchant criticisms of Camus’ The Stranger, the ways in which the French and Americans view each other, and desire’s metaphysical aspects. Furthermore, Haven ably, even elegantly synopsizes the central tenets of Girard’s beliefs, in particular his pioneering views on mimesis—a kind of updated version of Rousseau’s amour propre—the notion that the desires and violent conflicts that often spring from people have their root cause in the gregarious mimicking of others. In this intimate but philosophically searching book, the author’s writing is marvelously clear. She expertly unpacks Girard’s ideas, making them unusually accessible, even to readers with limited familiarity.
A penetrating account of an important thinker—and as agile, profound, and affecting as its subject.
Read the whole thing here. Better yet, you can pre-order the book on Amazon here.
March 3rd, 2018 at 12:53 pm
Miss Vance, who taught us advanced French at Andover High, would have been so proud of you, Cynthia. What an impressive review-“agile, profound and affecting” indeed.
March 5th, 2018 at 11:01 pm
Thanks, Eren. Mademoiselle Vance was a hard-nose, but she gave us Stendhal and La Chanson de Roland.