René Girard in Europe’s prestigious “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”!


Usually gifts are for Christmas and not Thanksgiving, but I’m getting my presents early! My article on René Girard was published over the weekend at Neue Zürcher Zeitung, one of Europe’s leading newspapers. The article (in German) is here. Or below, if you can read the tiny, tiny type.

There’s more: Not only did the article look handsome on the page, but it was also presented on the cultural channel of the Swiss radio, which chooses an article from the Swiss/German press every morning and discusses it to bring it to the attention of potential readers.


One Response to “René Girard in Europe’s prestigious “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”!”

  1. George Says:

    In Cultural Amnesia, Clive James quoted Egon Friedell: “Mankind in the Christian era possesses one huge advantage over the ancients: a bad conscience.” Of course, as James remarked, portions of mankind are often enough willing to dispense with that advantage.